Thursday, August 09, 2007

Useless Party Shows Its Lack of Spine

Last weekend, while you were at the beach, the party you elected to stand up to the Bush gave his Attorney General the power to legally spy on you without you ever knowing it. Court oversight is now a thing of the past. The only protection is that only "terrorists" will be spied on. Over course, Gonzales gets to decide if you are a terrorist or not.

Democrats want to impeach Gonzales, but trust him with KGB style powers. I guess they think Hillary should have these powers, too.

What's to stop Gonzales or his successors from spying on political opponents? The entire Watergate affair started because the Nixon tried to spy on the DNC. What is to stop Bush or Hillary from doing the same thing, only legally now?

Just goes back to our new two party system: The Evil Party and the Useless Party. The only reason to vote for Democrats is because they are not Republicans, but don't expect them to block anything significant that Republicans want, like a KGB or a long, drawn out, expensive, useless war.

Bush says, "Trust Me" and Democrats say, "When would he ever lie to us?"

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