Friday, April 07, 2006


Is there anyone in America today who doubts Bush's honesty? It's clear that our Chief Evangelist, who wants to save us from gay marriage and preach abstinence, thinks that lying is all right with God. It's not lying, like saying your fat aunt looks great in her polka dot dress. This is lying to cover up for your destroying a person's career--a person who was risking her life to spy for America's defense.

It looks like the leaker that Bush promised to fire was himself. According to "Scooter" Libby, (and how does a grown man go by "Scooter" and expect to be taken seriously?), he broke no laws because the President himself gave him leave to out Valerie Plame. What great national interest did he have in risking the lives of Plame and her fellow agents? To punish Joe Wilson for telling America that Bush had lied in the State of the Union Address about Nigerian "yellow cake" uranium in order to further his fallacious case against Iraq. So, Bush lied to cover up his revenge against someone who called him a liar for fabricating evidence to pursue a phony case against Iraq's imaginary weapons programs. How many synonyms for "lying" do we need to describe the depths to which Bush has plunged in deceiving America.

Bush, the man who cited Jesus as his spiritual guide, put his hands on the Bible twice and swore to uphold the Constitution. In the Bible's Ten Commandments, which Bush supporters think should be the Law of the Land, it clearly states "Thou shalt not bear false witness". Bush's self-styled image as a man of "character" and "morality" in light of his mendacity make him a hypocrite on top of his other crimes. Then again, the GOP seems to be filled with hypocrites, like former Majority Leader Delay citing Jesus, and not Federal prosecutors on his tail, as his reasons for stepping down from Congress.

Lying and hypocrisy are bad enough, but Bush has not only been entrusted with our national security, it's what he based his 2004 re-election campaign. Cheney made the treacherous claims that Democrats can't be trusted when America's security, while his boss and his consigliere had sacrificed our national security interests for their own political game of spite in 2003. Who would you rather have: a President Kerry who hesistates to go to war, or a President Bush who lies and cheats his way to frog-march America into our current quagmire. I'll take the coward over the lying fool any day--and in no way do I believe Kerry is or would be a coward.

Bush put his own political interests and half-baked foreign policy goals ahead of our national security by destroying Valerie Plame's career and mission. He jeopardized the lives of our intelligence officers out of spite. If I did such a thing, I could be tried for treason. Bush, being the author of what is top secret, technically is the law on this, but he broke his sacred trust to defend America over his rash pettiness. On top of being a lying hypocrite, he is a backstabbing traitor to his country and to its civil servants.

All this comes out the day before another poll shows Bush further sinking in America's opinion. It's almost 2-1 against this nightmare administration. We have liars all over the White House, crooks running the House and a mad doctor who would be president running the Senate. The GOP has completely transformed from the "Grand Ole Party" to the "God Awful Party", and the lying, treacherous hypocrite in the White House is leading this Ship of Fools.

When Bush starts talking about Iran, just remember how he handled Iraq. No matter how difficult the situation in the world is, it is clear we cannot trust Bush to tell us anything that doesn't serve his perverse personal interests.


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