Thursday, March 02, 2006

More Election Fraud

Bush loves to talk about spreading "democracy". His interpretation of the word, however, does not mean "rule by the people". It means "pro-American". A dictator like Musharraf in Pakistan is more "democratic" than the duly elected Palestinian Authority under Hamas.

Of course, "pro-American" means George W. Bush's vision of America. Instead of encouraging democracy in America by giving DC voters representation in Congress or ensuring that Black voters are given full access to the ballot box, Bush's cabal is making sure that the elections in America are rigged to his benefit.

Here is more evidence that the Bush campaign used their partisan ties in state governments like Ohio and Florida to literally steal the 2004 election. The 2000 debacle in Florida, headed by Bush's own brother, was repeated there in 2004 and in Ohio. This article, Ohio Denies Voters' Rights, shows that the Ohio GOP met with Bush himself on Election Day to make sure that Bush won despite the exit polls that gave Kerry a healthy 4% victory.

You can call this sour grapes, but until people get angry and demand reform, "Democracy" in America is going to be defined by George W. Bush and not by American voters.


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