Friday, November 11, 2005

Attack, Slander and Repeat

Karl Rove, the man with his hand up the President's back, only knows one mode of politics: attack, slander and repeat. With Bush's numbers headed toward Nixon-land, W goes on the campaign trail and attacks those accusing him. Never mind that 60% of the country thinks the war was a mistake. Forget the recent indictment and ongoing investigation of the Plame case, which is directly related to his pre-war fabrications. Don't mention that the WMDs that were going to blow us to Kingdom Come were not only nonexistent; Bush knew they were from Day One of his war drumming.

Now Bush goes on the trail with his old line: support the troops. If you question the President, you are unpatriotic. People who oppose the war are unAmerican. I suppose it's only wrong to question a Republican President, since W himself attacked Clinton's integrity.

Fortunately, people are realizing how corrupt this administration is. How effective is Bush's recycled attack line going to be when most people think he lied to them? To me at least, his latest attacks look like a way to lash out at his critics. It's more like a temper tantrum than a serious foreign policy discussion.

America needs an adult in the White House, not a frat boy with an oversized temper.

Defensive Bush Goes Back on the Warpath


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