Thursday, November 03, 2005

Right-Wing Nuts

Here is a good editorial on the fallacy of Rove's political strategy. Moderate Revolt

Rove's problem is that he relies far too heavily on catering to conservatives and fooling moderates to win a "permanent majority" for the GOP. His poll numbers, down to 35%pro to 58% against in today's CBS poll, show that Democrats loathe him and indepents choose against him 2-1. That leaves his supposedly secure base.

The theocrats are like keeping a tiger for a pet. Sure, keep him happy, and you can ride his pack and scare lots of people into submission. But don't give him what he wants once and he will do some serious damage. Witness what they did to Meirs, whose lack of qualifications didn't phase the theocrats, but her lack of clear cut conservative credentials did. W responded by handing them a died in the wool conservative, assuming that the moderates would fall into line. We'll see if his gamble pays off and if he doesn't convince the dozen moderates left in America who still like him to run for the left.

Unfortunately for this country, should the GOP lose ground next year, most of their lost seats will be among moderate Republicans. Sure, Santorum will lose, but he is a right-winger in a Democratic leaning state. Lincoln Chafee is also in big trouble, as any other Republican from a solid or leaning blue state will be. The dearth of moderates will force the GOP further to the right and make the Democrats the only viable party for people who don't believe in the Bible as part of our Constitution. That's unhealthy for democracy and very unhealthy for America.

Once big correction to this article: It's not that life isn't fair; it's that our electoral system is unfair and consistently fails to reflect the make-up and will of the American people in Congress.


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