Monday, October 24, 2005

Hammer, Meet the Anvil of Justice

Since he pushed out Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay has been the power dominating the Hill. Although he is working with historically small majorities, he has managed to force GOP congressmen into line by controlling the purse strings of GOP campaign financing. He has even threatened to recruit and fund candidates in the primaries to oust Republicans who defy him. He famously said that he'd rather lose a seat to the Democrats than have a moderate Republican who doesn't toe the line.

In order to maintain power, he has resorted to some pretty ruthless tactics, and often skirted the law. It looks like he may have crossed that line and he is taking his frustrations out on veteran DA Ronnie Earle.

His contempt for Texas law is apparent. He feels that Texas is his demesne, and he can use it and exploit it as a power base from which to expand his power in DC. His mug shot was just smarmy. He appears as remorseful and respectful of the legal process as Jim Trafficant was. Maybe this prison will let DeLay keep his toupée.

History of DeLay's corruption


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