Sunday, June 01, 2008

Cool Hand Barack

Yesterday, Obama again proved why he should be the nominee and why Clinton shouldn't. He came to the Rules Committee table ready to negotiate, knowing exactly what he needed to take away and what he could afford to give. He told his supporters not to attend and not to engage the Clintonistas, trying to avoid an embarrassing spectacle for the news cameras.

She came to the table, full of huff and rhetoric. She had 13 allies out the 28 members of the Committee. She rounded up the rabble rousers to make a big show of it. Even her allies on the committee were visibly annoyed by her supporters.

Her offer for Michigan was an insult, not a negotiating point. Who really thinks he deserves NOTHING in MI? Her motions were quickly voted down with little support, even from her allies.

When it got past rhetoric to votes, the Florida compromise passed 27-0, taking it off the table. Obama had 15 votes to take a 64-64 split of delegates, but he opted for 69-59 (halved) to get 19 votes. Instead of a narrow win, he got 70% of the committee to agree to a compromise. This makes it extremely difficult for her to challenge on any logic, other than the emotional impact of her losing.

Ironically, she would have gotten a better deal out of Michigan if she hadn't rejected the Michigan Democratic Party's 69-59 split last month, giving her +10 delegates. Instead, she gets the same split, halved, and she loses her only rationale for staying in the race.

So, when you talk about Iraq, health care or Congressional relations, which candidate looks better prepared for Day 1?

You want drama and emotion, vote Clinton. You want long-term strategy and cool efficiency, vote Obama.

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