Wednesday, April 02, 2008

McCain flunks Iraq Current Events Quiz

Last week McCain demonstrated that he did not know the difference between a Sunni and Shiite. He also falsely accused Iran of training Al Qaeda, which even Joe Lieberman corrected him on.

This week, he is confused about the cease-fire, stating that Al Sadr asked for it and calling that a victory, when in fact Maliki asked for it. By McCain's logic, that makes Sadr the winner in this round. The fact that Iran is the key player in this, not the US, underscores who the defeat of Saddam Hussein has weakened US influence in the region and strengthened Iran.

If McCain is going to make Iraq his primary issue, he should at least get the basic concepts done. He has already admitted that "economics isn't his thing". He has demonstrated that even he cannot live by the McCain-Feingold law. Now he is demonstrating that foreign policy "isn't his thing." For a guy with 30 years in Washington, he seems pretty out of touch and out of his depth.

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